Home Publications



  1. Secure Private Blockchain-based Instant Messaging Platform for Social Media Services
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos
    in IEEE Networking Letters, accepted.

  2. Edge-based Data Sensing and Processing Platform for Urban Noise Classification
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos
    in IEEE Sensors Letters, vol. 8, no.5, May 2024.

  3. Improving Remote Patient Monitoring Systems Using a Fog-based IoT Platform with Speech Recognition
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos
    in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 23, no. 15, pg. 17611-17618, Aug. 2023.

  4. Federated Kalman Filter for Secure IoT-based Device Monitoring Services
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos
    in IEEE Networking Letters, vol. 5, no. 2, pg. 91-94, June 2023.

  5. Federated Learning and Blockchain-Enabled Fog-IoT Platform for Wearables in Predictive Healthcare
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos, KN Plataniotis
    in IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, pg. 1732 - 1741, January 2023.

  6. Public-Key Reinforced Blockchain Platform for Fog-IoT Network System Administration
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos, KN Plataniotis
    in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol.9, no.22, pg.22366-22374, August 2021.

  7. Internet-of-Things Devices and Assistive Technologies for Health Care: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos, S Gregori
    in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol.38, no.4, pg.65-77, June 2021.

  8. IoT-Based Smart Home Device Monitor Using Private Blockchain Technology and Localization
    MJ Baucas, SA Gadsden, P Spachos
    in IEEE Networking Letters, vol.3, no.2, pg.52-55, March 2021.

  9. Using Cloud and Fog Computing for Large Scale IoT-Based Urban Sound Classification
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos
    in Elsevier Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol.101, May 2020.

  10. A Scalable IoT-Fog Framework for Urban Sound Sensing
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos
    in Elsevier Computer Communications, vol.153, pg. 302-310, March 2020.

Conference Papers

  1. Federated Learning Platform for Secure Object Recognition in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos, S Gregori
    in 2024 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), accepted (Denver, Colorado, USA).

  2. Fog-based Smart Contract Platform for Wearable IoT-enabled Telemedicine
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos
    in 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2023 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia).

  3. Private Blockchain-Based Wireless Body Area Network Platform for Wearable Internet of Thing Devices in Healthcare
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos, S Gregori
    in 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2023 (Rome, Italy).

  4. Permissioned Blockchain Reinforced API Platform for Data Management in IoT-based Sensor Networks
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos
    in 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2021 (Madrid, Spain).
    Hybrid: In-Person and Virtual Conference.

  5. Fog and Iot-Based Remote Patient Monitoring Architecture Using Speech Recognition
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos
    in 2020 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), July 2020 (Rennes, France).
    Hybrid: In-Person and Virtual Conference.

  6. Permissioned Blockchain-Driven Internet of Things Gateway Using Bluetooth Low Energy
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos
    in 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) , June 2020 (Virtual Conference).

  7. Speech Recognition Driven Assistive Framework for Remote Patient Monitoring
    MJ Baucas, P Spachos
    in 2019 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP), November 2019 (Ottawa, Canada).

  8. A Testbed for Adaptive Microphones in Ultra-Low-Power Systems
    E Fallis, M Lipski, A Mackey, MJ Baucas, M James, P Spachos, S Gregori
    in 2019 IEEE Sustainability through ICT Summit (StICT), June 2019 (Montreal, Canada).